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January 6, 2009 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at the East Windsor Town Hall at 5:30 p.m.


Denise Menard, First Selectmen, Chairman
Dale Nelson, Vice Chairman
Mark Simmons
Blaine Simpkins
Rand Stanley
Joseph Pellegrini
Marie DeSousa
Len Norton

Unable to attend:
Blaine Simpkins


Len Norton, Director of Public Works / Town Engineer came before the Committee to detail his requests.  

Chipseal: $75,000 the town gets reimbursed but the money needs to be spent in order to get reimbursed.  That is why it is $75,000 each year.  

Drainage: $50,000 a year for drainage projects.  The amount in accumulated reserves is depleted as quite a bit was used on drainage projects.  Mr. Norton would like to have more than $50,000 but due to economic times, he will keep it the same as it has been for past years.   It was suggested that Mr. Norton provide a list for the Board of Finance with the projects on the docket for drainage.

East Road Bridge: This is money for engineering and planning and construction.  This request was made last year and did not get far.  The status of the water over the bridge and this road was discussed at length (even including work that was done the day of the meeting.)  The bridge is telephone poles laid across the waterway and it is a town road.  The purchase of pre-cast structure and the excavation and concrete necessary was discussed.   The Army Corp of Engineer potential involvement in the project was briefly mentioned as well.   This would be single lane bridge.    The idea of putting a barrier with the ability to open the road if emergency access was needed was discussed.  Also the idea of closing this road was discussed if it is incredibly unsafe.    There is a sign there that says closed to thru traffic.  

Trucks and Equipment:  Mr. Norton explained the reserves accumulated amount used to purchase vehicle for a total of $150,000.  Again, it would be nice to get more monies, to replace older equipment, but this request is status quo.  The oldest truck is 12 years old.   These monies build up to keep the vehicles on rotation.   It is used for trucks, back hoe, pick-up trucks.  It was mentioned that Southern Auto has heavy duty truck auction and it was queried if the Town had thought to go that avenue.  The fact that there was no warrantee with Southern Auto purchases was mentioned.  This is a status quo request of $65,000, but last year the amount received was lower, it was thought to maybe be $49,000.  

Sidewalks:  Engineering and planning is included in this request for some ideas about projects for downtown Broad Brook.  It was mentioned that there might be revenue into sidewalk accounts based on developer subdivision ordinances – which will be 50% of cost of sidewalks – so this account could get an influx of monies.   It was unsure if the ordinance states monies are received at the end or start of a project.  It was thought the money be deposited into an interest barring account when subdivision approved.  This is the first instance of developer Norton’s Crossing was the first that fell under ordinance and previously waivers were given to developers.   All things considered, as there are reserves in the account, it would not be devastating if the 2010 request was denied.   The accumulated reserves are $136,167.  DOT specs need to be used for sidewalks and concrete $15 a lineal foot for 4 foot sidewalk.  

Mr. Norton explained the reserved amount and detailed the request by explaining the current issues with the overhead units in the bays, one of which was disconnected because of CO.   There is an estimate provided from Thermodynamics.  It was also stated for $7600 A/C could be added on to the front areas – which would be used in lieu of the window units.   Mr. Norton felt this might be one of the more important requests as it deals with the town garage.   The priority ranking was changed to 2 considering the CO portion and the employee aspect of the necessity of heat and a/c at manageable temperatures.  

Ms. Menard detailed the following CIP requests.
The boiler has been at town hall since the building was built, it is not efficient and it is on its last leg.  The asbestos abatement is a piece of it to dispose of it.  The numbers are the same as last year which were previously gathered by a person with expertise (former First Selectman, Ed Filipone).  The company providing the estimate is the same that has done the high school boiler work.  It was felt this would provide a future cost savings and be energy efficient.  This is slated to be done the Summer, 2013.   Also the idea of using natural gas from the street could be considered, as the line is in front of the building.  The thought of solar panels on the roof of the town hall was expressed.  It was mentioned that  two panels would provide the town hall with hot water.  This could be done for under $10,000.  

Town Hall Office Lights
As the recent move was done, light replacement was done and it made a huge difference. The lens on the lights are the original with the building.  
Add parking spaces at Town Hall
Ms. Menard detailed the issues with parking at the Town Hall when events or meetings occur and the fire lane issues.  The ideas of where parking spaces will go to create more parking, including using the back, expanding the side of the driveway as well.  
        Replace Ceiling tiles in Town Hall Hallways
Some need to be replaced and painted.  These would get the buildings a little more in line.
        Town Hall exterior Painting
This is in the hallways.  The gentlemen who gave the quote, never came back.   

The roof was quoted to be done $35,000 to seal roof but the masonry work was additional monies, which is not included in this request.  The building committee members on the CIP felt it would be hard to do this roof for the $35,000 figure.  The status of the building and its issues was discussed and what the Building committee can do to make a determination of what to do with the building and it needs to come forward to the  board of selectmen.    Mr. Norton explained the routes of the water and the need for heat in the ambulance bays and space.  Ms. Menard explained that it is frustrating to have a directive from the Building committee regarding repairs and then to have discussions regarding knocking the portion of the building down.    There are several town agencies that store necessary records.  The future initiative for scanning and alternatives to records storage were discussed and need to be investigated in the future with an eye toward space restrictions. It was discussed what to do with this request in CIP and maybe keep it in with monies for the building, if it is determined to take it down, start funding for that, or if storage is an option it will be gathered for that.   This request will be discussed further.

Currently this is manually drained humidifier.  There is no grant money.  It was noted that the quote was for $14,560.00 and yet the request was for $21,600.  Ms. Menard will ask the Town Clerk.  If it is $14,560 then it does not fit the parameters of a CIP request.  


Mr. Howes came before the CIP and detailed his requests by Fiscal year.   All project descriptions had photographs with them for the Committee’s reference.   Mr. Howe detailed his requests by Fiscal Year.   BBS refers to Broad Brook Elementary; MS refers to the Middle School; HS refers to the High School.

FY 2010
BBS Expansion of lot at Broad Brook school.  This was a previously funded project,  but the project ran out of money because increased cost of pavement – this would continue the project so the $8500 is a short fall of an existing approved project.   This is going to be new parking, hopefully ten parking spots.  

BBS/MS Paging system – looking to update system at both schools – BBS you cannot hear, which is a safety problem, and there are no parts for this system.  This can be integrated into the existing telephone system.

BBS/HS Sand and Finish Gym Floor and Stage Floor.  He referred the board to pictures.  The stage floors have never been done before.

District – Replace Ford van for special education student transportation, interoffice mail.  The current van has 200,000.  Quote from, but would take advantage of state bids. This van is outfitted with the handicap necessities.  

FY 2011

BBS Fascia Restoration. Roof done Summer 2002, but the Fascia did not get into the specs at that time.  

HS - Carpet at high school is beat on, library, computer rooms, guidance. There are bumps in the carpet as well. During the humid weather it is the worst.  

FY 2012

BBS Refurbish Main Hallway/Upper level boys and girls bathroom.  With previous funds they were able to do eight, instead of projected four, bathrooms and this project came in under budget.  

MS Parking lot
The North side out to playground, but also the walkway from Church into school (which also serves as fire access). It was specified these are walkways, not sidewalks.    

FY 2013

MS  Replace concrete curbing (currently there is a granite curb across)  and walkways.  Liability issues were discussed.  Mr. Stanley, Building Inspector,  discussed a new curbing product, being currently used at Chapman property and suggested Mr. Howe look into this.  It might be worthwhile venture and cost effective.  He suggested he talk to Mr. Chapman’s project manager.

FY 2014
Mr. Howe  stated these are deferrable projects that are desirable and items the students, employees, and parents alike would like, specifically A/C at the BBS Cafeteria; HS Gym; A/C Middle school cafeteria, office and auditorium.

As an aside,  Ms. DeSousa inquired as to the locker rooms at the BBS which were a request for CIP some years ago.  Mr. Howe explained that it is now used for storage.  That project was on hold waiting for the possibility of grant money for ADA upgrades.  It was for old facilities used for storage due to that it could not be used per ADA requirements.  It is a matter of waiting to see if that grant opportunity becomes available and that project would be funded mostly with grant monies.  

The CIP next meeting will be Wednesday, February 21, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.  


MOTION:  To adjourn at 7:15 p.m.
Made by Ms. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Stanley

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia D. Croxford
Recording Secretary